Tuesday, January 7, 2014


My little diet is so hard!  I mean, I guess if I get hungry I can have cookies but I mean not eat it just in case.  I feel it isn't too late to have some effect.  I always was a healthy eater to some degree save for maybe my love for Pizza Lunchables.

I mean, maybe I am trash, but the diet would still make me feel better.  I want healthier desserts like banana pudding with Nilla Wafers..  Maybe once a day..  I used to have it like for 2 meals.

If I had to say so I'd say the diet made me hungry and I'm ready again, but I'm not sure what the end result will be of what I want to eat.  I was ready before, too, but I guess turkey like baby food is a bit expensive.  Maybe, that's why I ended up not getting it often.  I had to put down the cookies at this dessert, at least.  I was gonna make vegan chocolate pudding.  Not enough mullah.