Tuesday, January 7, 2014

I know what it is!

They're all racist, all the people are racist!  Meaning.. all the people!

My voice sounds like I am pleaing that I'm a great singer.

I am not around people enough.  I just sing alone like a eu****.  You know, I do have problems from medicine and undue couseling.  It probably made me sick.  I will not accept this treatment.  I know Ginny did this to me.  Stop questioning my race, I'm more white than anyone.  I am European and very much so.  I don't hang around weird people or like people of a different caliber or whatever.  Look, anyone wanna talk @ their problems with my racial attitude?  You all are seeing things that aren't there.  I'd like to see what new singers sound like.  You can sure twittle a lot on that flute of yours.

I do think that person is nice.  I just was fitting myself somewhere.  I am not sorry, they are the 1s who are different.  You can't be an insult to me, you can just say you have different taste.  That taste may be a racist taste.  You know, I've seen lots of insults around of my singing.  People want SWEENEY TODD!