Wednesday, January 8, 2014

New Blog


Does Ellen like destroy every virtual thing in site to "make up" for something someone did?  I mean why is Futurama over?  Will they do reruns?  I guess it was out awhile.

Do you see what I'm saying about literally destroying everything in site, her anger management issue?  I just got a book on self control and pill on anger management, which I've already asked for.

Sorry if it's offensive but no time to dally.. I know what I really think, and I still like her.  Well, maybe she's better than no 1 if she really was like that.  I hope she's not.  I mean she's a deep person.  If someone else did what she did, would they still be deep?

No Hard Feelings?

Why are you pretending I'm someone I'm not?  Some people just don't say anything it seems.  I am normal and just said something..but oh maybe it was a questionable word or something.


Are you trying to play with arousal?  I think of something, and you retaliate??..

Juicy Gossip

So, Bella "made it" to the top, got an early head start.  A nonchalant play it cool dream queen.


Ellen for all you do that betters me to others.